Despite our two most challenging years in a row (the sociopolitical upheaval of 2019 followed by the pandemic), we are proud to announce that our ninth school year started this October in our beautiful primary school in Haiti! Thanks to the incredible resilience and dedication of our Haitian partners, we now have 120 students and 9 full-time employees!
Your generosity and the involvement of our volunteers enabled us to raise close to $17,000 this year! We used 100% of the donations received to cement the courtyard, to finish the ground flour of the large 2-story building which will eventually hold 10 classrooms, and to start the construction of a new 2-story building which will hold 6 classrooms to replace our 3 original semi-permanent classrooms.
Although we were not able to send volunteers to Haïti this year, we have developed internship positions in partnership with Université de Sherbrooke, to coordinate and adapt our fundraising campaign to COVID-19 restrictions. In the fall, we had two interns who did a great job making up for the fundraising events which we had to cancel in the winter/spring.