Despite the ongoing socio-political turmoil in Haiti (culminating with the murder of the president last summer and the ensuing deterioration of the security situation), we are proud to announce that we opened our doors in October, for our tenth school year in our beautiful primary school in Haiti! Thanks to the incredible resilience and dedication of our Haitian partners, we now have 140 students and a dozen teachers and employees!
Your generosity and the involvement of our volunteers enabled us to raise close to $8,000 this year! We used 100% of the donations received to complete our new 2-story building which holds 6 classrooms. Two of our donors also generously sponsored two of our most vulnerable students and by doing so, are allowing them to stay in school and to continue their studies.
Although we were not able to send volunteers to Haïti again this year, we welcomed 4 interns from the Université de Sherbrooke. They worked on creative ways to adapt our fundraising campaign to the COVID-19 restrictions.