Our concrete results in 2022

12/06/2022 | Yannick Daoudi

We are proud to inform you that despite the ongoing violence and insecurity in Haiti and specifically in the area surrounding our school, we ended the 2021-2022 academic year with some great news. Indeed, last year marked our first cohort to complete the full 9-year primary school cycle since the opening of the school. All of our graduating students successfully passed the official state exam! Unfortunately, the current disastrous security situation has made it impossible to start the new school year, we are however ready on our end to offer the first level of secondary school, this means that for the first time this year, we will be both a primary and secondary school. Huge congratulations to our students, teachers and wonderful principal Nelcame, who are all doing incredible work in such a challenging context.

Your generosity and the involvement of our volunteers enabled us to raise over $10,000 this year! We used 100% of the donations received to do some maintenance and upgrade to our electric infrastructure, including an additional solar panel and batteries, to get badly needed classroom supplies and furniture, as well as to build a new principal’s office for the school. Two of of donors also generously sponsored two of our most vulnerable students and by doing so, are allowing them to stay in school and pursue their studies. Thank you.

After a year of insecurity during which we could not attract attention with a large construction project, a respite in the violence and the resumption of some economic activity this summer finally allowed us to use funding received from Ministère des Relations internationales et de La Francophonie (MRIF). In partnership with the University of Sherbrooke Group for Internal Cooperation (GCIUS), we built a large 6,300-Gallon tank that allows the school to supply water to the local community for more than a week at a time!